Puig de Santa Magdalena

Start Town Altitude Elevation Gain Length Gradient Difficulty Rating
Inca 288m 196m 4.0 km 4.9% 109 ***

Puig de Santa Magdalena Profile

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Climb Description

Puig de Santa Magdalena is a short climb beginning near to the town of Inca in Central Mallorca. It is a fun road to ride, with lots of hairpin bends and with impressive views from the Sanctuary of Santa Magdalena, which marks the top of the climb.

The current sanctuary of Santa Magdalena is in Gothic style and dates from the 18th century, although that itself replaced a much older hermitage on the site. Next to the sanctuary there is also a restaurant where you can buy refreshments at certain times of the day.

The climb to Puig de Santa Magdalena is open throughout the year.

Roads & Traffic

The road is in very good condition throughout.

There is generally very little traffic on the climb. On weekends it can get slightly busier, as it is a popular spot with locals from Inca, who like to have a barbecue or paella on the forested slopes of the climb. But there is almost never enough traffic to be bothersome for cyclists.

Alternative Routes

This is the only way to climb to Puig de Santa Magdalena on a road bike.

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Cycling Holidays

If you would like to ride to Puig de Santa Magdalena, our Mallorca Mountains & Coast and Villages of Mallorca cycling holidays can both be adapted to include the climb.

In the links below you can find out more information about these and similar tours.

Tramuntana Mountains - Mallorca
Spanish FlagSpain

Self-Guided Cycling Holiday
Length: 7 Days
Level: Difficulty Medium to Challenging
Price: from €1,420 EUR
Alcúdia City Walls - Mallorca
Spanish FlagSpain

Self-Guided Cycling Holiday
Length: 7 Days
Level: Difficulty Easy to Medium
Price: from €1,450 EUR
*Bike Hire Included

Mount Teide
Spanish FlagSpain

Self-Guided Cycling Holiday
Length: 7 Days
Level: Difficulty Medium to Challenging
Price: from €1,390 EUR